Saturday, March 27, 2010

To: Me

I've been contemplating whether to even write in this at all. I post things as a way to kind of accept things and move on. I have a million and ten different things running through my head every day and it's nice to be able to be able to leave it somewhere without pushing it out of my life completely.
For others, I feel, like it's simply an web address where you vent your problems and hopefully people can understand or feel for you for a split millisecond.

I'm coming back to this blog. Instead of tumblr where pretty photos replace actual blogging and followers are mostly class mates. This is my online rule book. No, more like a yearbook. An accumulation of thoughts, realizations, and virtues that I can look back on.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To who it may concern:

I don't hate you. I don't hate anyone. Don't feel special; it means I don't care enough to have my energy focused on you.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


'Wow, Monica you've really changed in the past one a half years'.

It's not because I've turned 'antisocial', it's because that there comes a point in your life where partying, drinking, or clubbing every weekend doesn't cut it for you anymore. Because you've done that way too many times, and it's gotten, deathly boring.

I do like to do things that are worth the time and productive most times. And I like surrounding myself with people I genuinely feel comfortable with. Not so much hanging with generic individuals, or  the ones that live to impress others.

I don't consider it a bad thing unlike most people. In my opinion it just means that I'm comfortable with myself and my life to where I don't need to party or be with a large group to have a good time.

An introvert or an extrovert, which one are you?

^ For you Ryan.